Zajištění servisu a pravidelných prohlídek klimatizace, vzduchotechniky a protipožárních klapek

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailMSMT-20629/2019-1619. 09. 2019RJ - KLIMA s.r.o.1 971 695,001 629 500,001 971 695,001 629 500,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailRJ - KLIMA s.r.o.Praha1 629 500,001 971 695,00
DetailJaroslav Fišer - "KLIMAMONT"Louny1 432 637,001 733 490,77

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

MSMT-20629/2019-162023254 100,00210 000,00
MSMT-20629/2019-162022738 934,90610 690,00
MSMT-20629/2019-162021338 800,00280 000,00
MSMT-20629/2019-162020462 280,50382 050,00
MSMT-20629/2019-16201984 700,0070 000,00